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A Healthy Lifestyle,the Chinese Way(中国的养生之道)

Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of Yin and Yang to be healthy。(传统的中国医生认为我们需要一个平衡阴和阳来保持健康。)For Example,are you often weak and tired?(比如说,你经常感到虚弱和疲劳么?)Maybe youhave too much Yin。(也许你阴气过盛。)you should eat hot Yang foods,like beef。(你应该吃点补阳的食品,就像牛肉。)Eating dangsheng and huangqi herbs is also good for this。(吃党生和黄芪之类的草本植物对我们也有好处。)But people who are toostressedout and angry may have too much Yang。(但是如果是压力过大或是容易生气的人,也许是阳气过盛。)Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more Yin foods like tofu。(中国医生认为那应该多吃点属阴的食物,就像豆腐。)Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries。(现在很多西方国家很流行中药。)It's easy to have a healthylifestyle,and it's important to eat a balanced diet。(拥有一个健康的生活习惯是很容易的,而且平衡饮食是很重要的。)


必须养成良好的饮食习惯和健康的生活方式 译英文

It's important to have good habits. Because if we have good habits,we will have good health. First of all, we should drink enough water and eat three healthy meals every day. We need to eat some fruit and vegetables because they are rich in vitamins and have little fat. Don't eat too much junk food with too much salt,fat,oil and sugar. What's more, we should do enough exercise. So why not go for a walk every day to get some fresh air and made you body strong and healthy. Finally, we should get enough sleep because if we don't sleep well,we won't concentrate better and we'll feel tired. Brush our teeth at least twice a day so that we don't have a toothache. Don't smoke or drink too much because they can harm our body.

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