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英语作文“Mobile Phone and Our Life”怎么写?



Wireless phones are connecting the developing world at a rate of about one million new phones each day. And with them come important new uses for the technology.

Some of the ideas are being developed by a company in Washington, D.C. Paul Meyer is one of three people who started Voxiva, V-O-X-I-V-A, in two thousand one. They began with a simple question, he says. How can technology help countries deal with health problems or other issues?

Some leading social investors including the Acumen Fund helped launch Voxiva. The World Bank, the United States government and others helped the company expand.

Voxiva has been working with the government of Rwanda for about three years. The company created an information technology system for health workers to collect and share information about HIV/AIDS.

All health centers in Rwanda that provide care for HIV/AIDS report into the system every week. They can use different forms of technology, including the Internet, to connect to the system. But Paul Meyer says most of the centers use mobile phones. They report numbers of new patients and the treatments provided. They also report on the supplies of drugs available at each center.

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