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[六] 最好不要提和爱人的家长里短,也不用提公司里的是是非非。没有人永远愿意做别人感情的回收站。

[七] 忌和盘托出,就算是对爱人,你也不可以把你的所有全盘托出,更不要说网友,让自己的心有自己的空间。

[八] 如果真的珍惜,,就多讲一些听上去笨拙的愿望,让隐藏在记忆底层的想象力重新腾跃起来。共同回到那风筝时代。

[九] 把握好相处的频率,要让这份感情更美好,就不要透支这种享受。

[十] 珍惜自己的所爱,同样也珍惜网络朋友,这两种感情都是不可替代的,让它们彼此独立而不受干扰的共存。


With the development of science and technology, the Internet is playing a more and more important role and affects all kinds of aspects in life. It has advantages and disadvantages and affects the young generation’s healthy growth greatly.

On one hand, some are for the Internet for its advantages such as various services and resources. All of these greatly enrich the people’s colorful life. On the other hand, others are against for the disadvantages because some children are addicted to the web. The disadvantages of the Internet have greatly affected the young generation’s healthy growth especially those who’ve fallen into the Internet addiction such as the Internet games and chatting. They’ve been forced to accept treatment in hospital. So the whole society especially the parents and teachers should take measures to ensure the children use the Internet correctly and reasonably.

In a word, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages if we make best use of it.


1. With the development of science and technology, people can’t live without the Internet.

2. The computer plays a more and more role in life.

3. Everything has two sides, so the Internet also ha two sides such as advantages and disadvantages.

4. Some addicted children are forced to send to the treatment center.

5. Children should be taught to learn how to use the Internet correctly and reasonably.

6. Those who are addicted to the web are usually the young.

7. On one hand, the Internet can improve the students’ score, on the other hand, it can affect the students’ score.

8. Some are for the students’ surfing the Internet, while others are against it.

9. Something in the Internet has greatly affected the young generation’s healthy growth.

10. If we make best use of the Internet, we can get benefit from it.


1. 随着科技的发展,人们已经离不开因特网了。

2. 计算机在生活中起着越来越重要的作用。    

3. 事情都有两方面,因特网也有两方面例如利与弊。

4. 一些网瘾少年被迫送往治疗中心。

5. 孩子们应该被教会如何正确和合理使用因特网。

6. 那些沉迷于网络的人往往是年轻人。

7. 一方面因特网能帮助学生学习,另一方面因特网也能影响学生的学习。

8. 一些人支持学生上网,另外一些人反对学生上网。

9. 因特网上一些不健康的东西已经极大地影响了青少年的健康成长。

10. 如果我们充分利用因特网,我们会从中获益的。

很赞哦! ()


