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远离烟草,健康生活 英语怎么说


一、远离烟草,健康生活 英语怎么说

可以翻译为 Keep far away from smoking and live a healthy life.


It is very important for us to have a healthy lifestyle. I think that a healthy lifestyle is very important, which is as important as physical exercise.Doing exercise can make us strong.

A healthy lifestyle is very important for us. I think that a healthy diet is very important. And physical exercise is also very important.

三、求英语高手、帮忙翻译一下英语、 1:熬夜有害健康、我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯 2:为了健康的生活、

熬夜是stay at nigt. 健康是healthy. 早睡是sleep Early. 平衡是balance. 水果是fruit. 蔬菜是vegetable. 运动是 sport. 养成是keep at


It's harmful to stay up late. We should get used to keeping early hours.

To have a healthy life, we should have a balanced dietary habbits and we should do more exercises.

To keep healthy, we should eat more fruits and vegetable.


live a healthy life

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