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levered firm: 有负债公司

unlevered firm: 无负债公司

HomemadeLeverage: 自制杠杆Homemade Leverage

is a financial terminology. It is a use of personal borrowing of investors to change the amount of financial leverage of the firm. Investors can use homemade leverage to change an unleverage firm to a leverage firm




big macs, big/large-cap stock, mega-issue 大盘股

offering, list 上市

bourse 证交所

corporate champion 龙头企业

Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所

pension fund 养老基金

mutual fund 共同基金

hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金

share 股票

valuation 股价

underwriter 保险商

government bond 政府债券

saving account 储蓄账户

equity market 股市

shareholder 股东

delist 摘牌

money-loser 亏损企业

inventory 存货

traded company, trading enterprise 上市公司

stakeholder 利益相关者

transparency 透明度

market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则

damage-control machinery 安全顾问

efficient market 有效市场

intellectual property 知识产权

opportunistic practice 投机行为

entrepreneur 企业家

cook the book 做假账

regulatory system 监管体系

portfolio 投资组合

money-market 短期资本市场

capital-market 长期资本市场

volatility 波动

diversification 多元化

real estate 房地产

option 期权

call option 看涨期权

put option 看跌期权

merger 并购

arbitrage 套利

Securities and Exchange Commission 〈美〉证券交易委员会

dollar standard 美元本位制

budget 预算

deficit 赤字

bad debt 坏账

macroeconomic 宏观经济

fiscal stimulus 财政刺激

a store of value 保值

transaction currency 结算货币

forward exchange 期货交易

intervention currency 干预货币

Treasury bond 财政部公债

pickup in price 物价上涨

Federal Reserve 美联储

inflation 通货膨胀

deflation 通货紧缩

tighter credit 紧缩信贷

monetary policy 货币政策

foreign exchange 外汇

spot transaction 即期交易

forward transaction 远期交易

option forward transaction 择期交易

swap transaction 调期交易

quote 报价





1.the commercial activity of providing funds and capital

2.the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets

3.the management of money and credit and banking and investments


1.obtain or provide money for

eg.Can we finance the addition to our home?

2.sell or provide on credit

选择金融专业的好处 - The benefits of choosing the financial professionals

There will be plenty of benefits if you put your chioce to the financial professionals

First of all,you can get a large access to variety of jobs after your graduation and in addition these jobs are all well paid.Like government,banks,security,stocks men,institutions of fanancial manage and so on.如果您选择金融专业,它将会为您带来莫大的好处

首先,在您毕业后,您会有很广阔的就业前景和各种各样的高薪职业。像 政府、公共事业单位、银行、保险、证券、金融管理机构等都可供您今后作为就业单位的参考。

Then what‘s more? It's a lifelong chioce.As is known to all,the 21th century is the century of fanance .people now are more concerned about what they will do in the future and how much they are paid.You may ask:So what?. let me tell you my dear friends.That’s what we do ,in other words ,that's the market.好处还不止这些,选择金融专业还是一个终身的选择。众所周知,21世纪是一个经济的世纪。比起从前人们更加的关心自己在今后的就业以及薪酬问题。你可能会问,那又怎么样呢?我亲爱的朋友,让我来告诉你,那就是我们要做的事,换句话说,那就是我们的市场。

What are you still waiting for? You come and join it,and then you'll get a splendid future!



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