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时间:2024-03-09 10:50:58  来源:http://www.gzrxw.net  作者:admin


Money-market funds relies on the certain developing of the money market, and it has some different features from other mutual funds and financial products, especially in taxation system and the management of liquidity. However, the money-market funds are not risk free, and there are some established principles in their portfolio. Currently, the money market in China is still lagging behind. Introducing money-market funds into China is still facing some barriers which urgently need to be coordinated and clarified by the policies.

有几句金融英语的翻译 part1

A person like dealing in unification of traffic requires species of bulkhead.

1 require Managers of interaction and people management of risk which is how.

2 the trading person is a miss crashes are a dud.

Recent 3 entrants risk of managers, to the quants geeks. And the government of paintings is relative risk in Monte Carlo (CAPM), a portfolio can turn VaR form on their menu.

I want translation is:

Require Managers of interaction, people come

The miss crashes are a a dud

Recent entrants risk of managers, to quants geeks....

I want three sentences, don't literal translation, literal translation of my own, I know also, according to the context of translation, the terminology is main content is managerial control

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